Registration - through: Saturday June 14, 2008 Lineups
Round 1 Due: Tuesday June 17, 2008 Round 1 Pairings Out: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Use the TAB button to move from one data entry field to the next!
When finished, click on the Please Register Me' button.
Players must have an established Standard time control grade/rating on one of the League approved servers (FICS or ICC). OCL players are required to have a minimum of 10 Standard time control rated games established on FICS or ICC, before they will be allowed to participate. You will not be eligible to play until you do so. It doesn't take long. Play a few 15-0 games, there will be plenty of players willing to play. If you have an established FIDE Rating and a FIDE Title (GM, IM, FM) then you are exempt from having to establish your grade.
Please Enter Your Full Name
I have played in the OCL before.
I am captain of my team.
OCL Team Please tell us what team you are registering for, if you don't have a team, leave this field blank and we will assign you to an appropriate team.
Please Enter Your National Chess Association/Federation or UNKNOWN
National Grade/Rating (if known)
Server Rating (Highest of FICS or ICC)
Section you want to play in:
ICC Handle (leave blank if none)
Rules & Regulations - The Online Chess League has a policy of banning computer cheats. By registering your name for the OCL you hereby accept to abide by all the rules & regulations of the OCL. You also confirm that you will not use any outside assistance (be it computer related or not) when playing your games. To confirm acceptance of these conditions, please check the tick-box. If you wish to review the Rule&Regulations please click on the relevant links below.